Dr | Priyabrata | Pal | University of South Wales | United Kingdom | Chemical Engineering | Natural Gas Sweetening | Best Researcher Award |
Assist. Prof. Dr | Ashutosh | Pandey | AKS University | India | Environmental Science | Algal Biomass Valorization and Environmental Biotechnology | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Deepti | Pandita | Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research University, New Delhi | India | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science | Cancer, Targeted Delivery | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Maria Rosaria | Pappalardo | Università di Palermo | Italy | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Modelli Multicriteriali | Fast Cited Article Award |
Dr | SILVIA PATRICIA | PAREDES CARRERA | ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE INGENIERIA QUIMICA E INDUSTRIAS EXTYRACTIVAS (ESIQIE) | Mexico | Chemistry | inorganic chemistry/synthesis of nanostructures | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Jihwan | Park | Korea Electronics Recycling Cooperative | South Korea | Environmental Science | Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling technology and policy | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | José | Parra | Universidad de Carabobo | Venezuela | Chemistry | Computational chemistry | Best Research Article Award |
Dr | Bhaveshkumar | Pasi | Vishwaniketan's iMEET | India | Engineering | Industry 4.0 | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Sinan | Paslı | Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine | Turkey | Medicine and Dentistry | Emergency Medicine | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Giulia | Passaniti | Centro Alte Specialità e Trapianti- Policlinico G. Rodolico- San Marco | Italy | Medicine and Dentistry | Cardiologia | Best Review Article Award |
Mr | Arpit | Patel | MIT-WPU | India | Engineering | Construction Engineering and Management | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Hitesh | Patel | Gujarat University | India | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Harshal | Patil | Mo | India | Other | Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Girish | Patil | Ariel University, Ariel | Israel | Materials Science | Nano-materials | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Nitin | Patil | Technological University Dublin | Ireland | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Systems Biology, Ramanomics | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Suman | Paul | Sidho Kanho Birsha University | India | Earth and Planetary Sciences | GEOGRAPHY | Most Cited Article Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | Vasu Govardhana Reddy | Peddiahgari | Yogi Vemana University | India | Dentistry | Organic Chemistry | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | Robert | Pełka | The H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | Physics and Astronomy | molecular magnetism | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Zhong | Peng | Huazhong Agricultural University | China | Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine | Animal infectious Diseases | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Luciano | Pereira | IFPB | Brazil | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Geoturismo | Most Reader's Article Award |