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Dr. Mohamed Hasabelnaby | Radiation physics | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mohamed Hasabelnaby, Badr University, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Hasabelnaby is a Lecturer at Badr University, Cairo, Egypt. He earned his Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from Assiut University (2016–2020), focusing on human radiation exposure from natural radionuclides. Since June 2021, he has been teaching Biophysics at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Food Safety at Badr University. His research interests include environmental radioactivity assessment, analyzing radiation exposure from rocks, soils, water, plants, and radon gas.


Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics (2016–2020) – Assiut University, Egypt

Thesis Title: Studies on the Human Radiation Exposure from Natural Radionuclides

M.Sc. in Nuclear Physics (2010–2014) – Assiut University, Egypt

Thesis Title: Study of Radiological Hazards Produced by Assiut Thermal Power Plant

B.Sc. in Physics (2002–2006) – Assiut University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics

Professional Profiles:

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ORCID Profile

Professional Experience:

Dr. Mohamed Hasabelnaby is a Lecturer at Badr University, Cairo, Egypt, since June 2021. He teaches a wide range of courses across multiple schools at the university, including:

Biophysics for the School of Veterinary Medicine and Food Safety (2021-2022)

Biophysics for the School of Biotechnology (2021-2022)

Biophysics for the School of Oral and Dental Medicine (2021-present)

Physics for the School of Applied Arts (2021-present)

Biophysics for the School of Technology of Applied Health Sciences (2021-present)

Physics for the School of Technology of Applied Health Sciences (2021-present)

Radiation Sciences for the School of Technology of Applied Health Sciences (2022-present)

Radiobiology and Radiation Protection Sciences for the School of Technology of Applied Health Sciences (2022-present)

Research interests:

Environmental radioactivity assessment including (rocks, soils, water, plants, radon gas i.e. external and internal exposure).

• Radiation Detection and measurements.

• Health physics and radiation protection.

• Radiological hazard (external exposure and internal exposure).

• Radiation dosimetry.

• Radiation shielding

Top Notable Publications:

Radiation doses assessment and radon exhalation rate from the soils of Albyda area, Yemen
Journal: Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Date: October 2024
DOI: 10.1016/j.net.2024.09.030
Contributors: Mohamed Y. Hanfi, Hany El-Gamal, Maher Taher Hussien, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Mohammed S. Alqahtani, Mohamed Hasabelnaby

The radioactivity levels and beta dose rate assessment from dental ceramic materials in Egypt
Journal: Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Date: April 2024
DOI: 10.1016/j.net.2024.04.036
Contributors: Mohamed Hasabelnaby, Mohamed Youssef, Hany El-Gamal, Ahmad Gindy, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Ghada Salaheldin

Comparative assessment of natural radionuclides content of cement products from Assiut cement factories, Egypt
Journal: University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
Date: October 31, 2022
DOI: 10.47372/uajnas.2022.n2.a13
Contributors: Maher Taher Hussein, Najat O. A. Al-Salahi, Mohamed Hasabelnaby

Detection efficiency of NaI(Tl) detector based on the fabricated calibration of HPGe detector
Journal: Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences
Date: January 2019
DOI: 10.1080/16878507.2019.1672313
Contributors: Hany El-Gamal, Hani Negm, Mohamed Hasabelnaby

Assessment of natural radioactivity levels in soil samples from some areas in Assiut, Egypt
Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Date: 2013
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1844-1
Contributors: Hany El-Gamal, M.E.-A. Farid, A.I. Abdel Mageed, Mohamed Hasabelnaby, H.M. Hassanien

Considerable hazards produced by heavy fuel oil in operating thermal power plant in Assiut, Egypt
Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Date: 2013
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1670-5
Contributors: Hany El-Gamal, M.E.-A. Farid, A.I. Abdel Mageed, Mohamed Hasabelnaby, H.M. Hassanien

Monstrous hazards produced by high radioactivity levels around Assiut thermal power plant
Journal: American Journal of Environmental Sciences
Date: May 2013
DOI: 10.3844/ajessp.2013.388.397
Contributors: Hany El-Gamal

Monitoring environmental impact of oil ashes released from Assiut thermal power plant, Egypt
Journal: SYLWAN Journal
Contributors: Mohamed Hasabelnaby, Hani Negm, Hany El-Gamal


Dr. Mohamed Hasabelnaby is highly deserving of the Best Researcher Award due to his outstanding contributions in radiation physics. His research in radiation safety, environmental impact, and dosimetry is of great importance to both the scientific community and public health. Although there are opportunities for expanding the scope and impact of his outreach, his rigorous research, collaboration skills, and global relevance make him an excellent candidate for this prestigious recognition.


Mohamed Hasabelnaby | Radiation physics | Best Researcher Award

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