Chadia Rizk | Medical Physics

Dr. Chadia Rizk: Leading Researcher in Medical Physics

National Council for Scientific Research, CNRS, radiation safety department, Lebanon

A study on the uncertainty for the routine dosimetry service at the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission using Harshaw 8814 dosimeters. Radiation protection dosimetry (2015)

Occupational Doses for the First and Second Operators in Lebanese Interventional Cardiology Suites. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2018).

Measurement of Patient Skin Dose Distributions in Three Lebanese Interventional Cardiology Suites. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2018).

Establishing the European diagnostic reference levels for interventional cardiology. Phys Medica (2018).

National diagnostic reference levels in interventional radiology suites in Lebanon: a multicenter survey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal(2019).

Results of the Joint IAEA/ARPANSA Intercomparison Exercise on Whole Body Dosemeters for Photons in Asia and the Pacific Region. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal(2019)

Diagnostic Reference Levels, Deterministic and Stochastic Risks in Pediatric Interventional Cardiology Procedures. Health Physics Journal (2020).

Uncertainty Evaluation in Measurement of the Personal dose Equivalent at Nine Individual Monitoring Services in Asia and the Pacific Region. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal (2020).

Benchmarking the Dose Map Software for Clinical Implementation and Establishment of a Local Follow-Up Protocol for the Management of Skin Injures Following Complex Interventional Cardiology Procedures. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal (2020).

Investigating the parameters that affect the radiation exposureand establishing typical values based on procedure complexityfor cerebral angiography and brain aneurysm embolization.Neuroradiology (2021)