David Espindola | Ultrasound | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. David Espindola, Ultrasound, Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at University of O’Higgins, Chile

Prof. Dr. David Espindola is a distinguished researcher and academic known for his expertise in ultrasonics, physics, and biomedical engineering. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, where his research focused on advanced topics in acoustic wave propagation. With a rich academic background, he has served as a Research Assistant Professor at the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, contributing significantly to the field of nonlinear propagation of shear waves in tissue. His international experience includes postdoctoral research in France, specializing in numerical simulations of acoustic propagation in skin.

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Google Scholar Profile

📚 Education:

Ph.D. in Physics (2008–2012):

  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • Focus: Physics
  • Awarded a Doctorate in Physics after completing research and coursework.

Bachelor in Applied Physics (2004–2007):

  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • Focus: Applied Physics
  • Achieved a Bachelor’s degree with a specialization in Applied Physics.

Research Experience:

2017 – 2019: Research Assistant Professor at the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), and North Carolina State University (NCSU), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.

2015 – 2017: Post-Doc Research Associate at the same Joint Department, conducting experimental and numerical research on the nonlinear propagation of shear waves in tissue under the supervision of Dr. Gianmarco Pinton.

2013 – 2014: Postdoctorate at Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France. Conducted numerical simulations of acoustic propagation in skin under the supervision of Dr. François Coulouvrat and Dr. Gianmarco Pinton.

2012 – 2013: Postdoctorate at Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, involving theoretical and experimental studies of nonlinear effects in the propagation of elastic waves and their impact on dislocation density in collaboration with Dr. Fernando Lund and Dr. Nicolas Mujica.

Teaching Experience:

2013: Lecturer at Universidad de Santiago de Chile, teaching a course on Analysis of Digital Images.

2010 – 2012: Lecturer at Universidad de Santiago de Chile, focusing on Experimental Techniques for the Physics Engineering program.

2009 – 2010: Lecturer at Universidad Central, Santiago, Chile, teaching Physics Laboratory.

Industry Experience:

Feb. – Jun. 2011: Physicist at IM2 Codelco, Santiago, Chile. Involved in software development for the automatic detection of large metals buried in rubble using georadar imaging, GPR, and GEM-3D.

Professional Services and Leadership:

2022 – 2023: First Director and founder of the first Ph.D. program at the University of O’Higgins, specializing in Bioengineering Sciences, Chile.

2022 – Present: Chair of the Evaluation Group in Physics for Fondecyt, Chile (the main funding agency in Chile).

2021 – Present: Member of the Evaluation Group in Physics for Fondecyt, Chile.

2021: Group Chair at the 2021 IEEE Latin America Ultrasonics Symposium (LAUS).

Honors and Awards:

2013: Awarded the “Beca Chile CONICYT de postdoctorado en el extranjero,” a prestigious scholarship facilitating a postdoctoral research opportunity abroad. This scholarship enabled him to pursue research at the Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, Université Pierre et Marie CURIE (Paris VI), Paris, France.

2010: Granted the “Doctoral mobility program” from the French embassy in Chile. Recognized with a substantial award of 35,000 EUR to support a research stage at the ENS in Lyon, France.

2008: Received the “Beca CONICYT de doctorado nacional,” a highly prestigious scholarship aimed at pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Chile. This scholarship is considered one of the most esteemed scholarships in Chile.

Research Interests:

Ultrasound Localization Microscopy:

  • Investigating techniques and applications for achieving high-resolution ultrasound localization microscopy, contributing to advancements in imaging at the microscale.

Ultrasonic Imaging and Elastography:

  • Exploring methods and technologies for ultrasonic imaging and elastography, with a focus on understanding tissue mechanical properties for medical and industrial applications.

Nonlinear Elasticity:

  • Researching nonlinear elastic behavior in materials, with a particular emphasis on understanding how materials respond to stress and strain beyond linear elastic limits.

Ultrasound Propagation and Mechanical Properties of Soft Matter:

  • Studying the propagation of ultrasound waves in soft materials and linking the observed ultrasound characteristics to the mechanical properties of these materials.

Ultrasound Propagation Through Granular Materials:

  • Investigating the behavior of ultrasound waves as they propagate through granular materials, contributing to the understanding of the acoustic properties of such materials.

Non-Destructive Testing in Complex Materials:

  • Developing and applying non-destructive testing techniques to evaluate the integrity and properties of complex materials, ensuring reliability and safety in various applications.

Mechanical Tests in Complex Materials:

  • Conducting mechanical tests, including creep, uni-axial, and tri-axial tests, to analyze the mechanical behavior and performance of complex materials under different loading conditions.

Publications (TOP NOTES):

“Flash focus ultrasonic images sequences for shear shock wave observation in the brain”

  • Authors: D Espindola, G Pinton
  • Journal: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 141 (5_Supplement), 2017
  • Citation Count: 5

“Creep of sound paths in consolidated granular material detected through coda wave interferometry”

  • Authors: D Espíndola, B Galaz, F Melo
  • Journal: Physical Review E, Volume 94 (1), 2016
  • Citation Count: 4

“Comparison of localization methods in super-resolution imaging”

  • Authors: A Xavier, G Pinton, D Espíndola
  • Conference: 2021 IEEE UFFC Latin America Ultrasonics Symposium (LAUS)
  • Citation Count: 3

“Characterization of Direct Localization Algorithms for Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging in a Multibubble Environment: A Numerical and Experimental Study”

  • Authors: A Xavier, H Alarcón, D Espíndola
  • Journal: IEEE Access, Volume 10, 2022
  • Citation Count: 2

“Adaptive multifocus beamforming ultrasound methods and systems for improved penetration and target sensitivity at high frame-rates”

  • Authors: GF Pinton, PA Dayton, DAE ROJAS, LIN Fanglue
  • Patent: US Patent App. 16/608,406
  • Citation Count: 2

Javier Quintero | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Javier Quintero, Medicine and Dentistry, Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at Complutense University, Spain

Prof. Dr. Javier Quintero is a distinguished professional in the field of psychiatry, known for his expertise in various areas of mental health research and clinical practice. Born on December 5, 1972, in Madrid, Spain, he has made significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of psychiatric disorders.

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Google Scholar Profile

📚 Education:

  • 🎓 Medicine (M.D.), Alcalá University (Spain), 1996
  • 🏥 Psychiatry Specialist, Hospital Ramon y Cajal, 2002
  • 🎓 Medicine (Ph.D.), Alcalá University (Spain), 2003
Professional Experience:

Prof. Dr. Javier Quintero is a distinguished professional in the field of psychiatry, with a rich and varied career spanning several prestigious institutions. Currently serving as the 🏥 Medical Director of Clinica Doctor Quintero. SL since 2012, he also holds the position of Head of Psychiatry Department at Infanta Leonor University Hospital in Madrid, Spain, a role he has held since 2007. Additionally, he contributes to the academic sphere as a Professor at Complutense University of Madrid since 2008 and achieved the esteemed accreditation as Profesor Titular (Full Professor) by ANECA in 2016.

His professional journey includes significant roles in the past, such as working at 🏥 Fundacion Jimenez Díaz Hospital, Madrid, in the Psychiatry Service from 2002 to 2007, and as an Associated Professor at Autonoma University of Madrid from 2003 to 2008. Earlier in his career, he made noteworthy contributions at 🏥 Hospital Ramon y Cajal in the Psychiatry Service from 1998 to 2002 and served as a Research Scholar at Alcalá University from 1996 to 1997.

Prof. Dr. Javier Quintero’s commitment to advancing the field of psychiatry is evident through his roles in medical leadership, academia, and research across various renowned institutions.

Research Timeline:

Prof. Dr. Javier Quintero’s research timeline showcases his dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of psychiatry and related areas. Here is a chronological overview of his research journey:

1996-1997: Research Scholar at Alcalá University

  • During this period, Dr. Quintero likely engaged in foundational research, contributing to the academic environment.

1998-2002: 🏥 Psychiatry Service, Hospital Ramon y Cajal

  • Participated in research activities within the Psychiatry Service, potentially focusing on mental health and related areas.

2002-2007: 🏥 Psychiatry Service, Fundacion Jimenez Díaz Hospital, Madrid

  • Extended his research endeavors in psychiatry, possibly delving into specific areas of interest within the field.

2003-2008: Associated Professor, Autonoma University of Madrid

  • Concurrent with his teaching role, likely engaged in research activities, contributing to the academic growth of the institution.

Since 2007: Head of Psychiatry Department, Infanta Leonor University Hospital, Madrid

  • Active involvement in research, focusing on advancing psychiatric knowledge and addressing contemporary challenges in the field.

Since 2008: Professor, Complutense University of Madrid

  • Continued his commitment to research while also contributing to the academic community through teaching and mentorship.

Since 2012: 🏥 Medical Director, Clinica Doctor Quintero. SL

  • Stepped into a leadership role while maintaining a connection with research, potentially exploring innovative approaches to healthcare.

2016:  Accredited as Profesor Titular (Full Professor) by ANECA

  • Recognition of his scholarly contributions, further motivating him to pursue excellence in research and academia.

Prof. Dr. Javier Quintero’s research timeline reflects a dynamic and evolving engagement with the field of psychiatry, combining clinical practice, academic roles, and a commitment to advancing scientific knowledge.

Research Interests:

Obesity and Eating Disorders:

  • Investigating the complex interplay between mental health and disorders related to eating habits and body weight.


  • Exploring the nature, development, and manifestations of mental disorders, contributing to the broader understanding of psychopathology.

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder):

  • Conducting research into neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD and ASD, to enhance understanding, diagnosis, and intervention strategies.

Cognitive Processes:

  • Examining cognitive functions and processes, potentially exploring how they relate to mental health, behavior, and various psychiatric conditions.

Anxiety and Depression:

  • Investigating the complexities of anxiety and depression, including their underlying mechanisms, risk factors, and effective therapeutic interventions.

Children’s Evolution and Psychopathology:

  • Studying the developmental trajectories of children, with a particular focus on identifying factors that may contribute to or mitigate psychopathological outcomes.

Publications (TOP NOTES):

“MicroRNAs as critical biomarkers of major depressive disorder: A comprehensive perspective”

  • Authors: MA Ortega, MA Alvarez-Mon, C García-Montero, O Fraile-Martinez, …
  • Journal: Biomedicines, Volume 9 (11), 2021
  • Citation Count: 24

“Exploring the role of nutraceuticals in major depressive disorder (MDD): Rationale, state of the art and future prospects”

  • Authors: MA Alvarez-Mon, MA Ortega, C García-Montero, O Fraile-Martinez, …
  • Journal: Pharmaceuticals, Volume 14 (8), 2021
  • Citation Count: 24

“Emotional intelligence as an evolutive factor on adults with ADHD”

  • Authors: J Quintero, R Vera, I Morales, P Zuluaga, A Fernández
  • Journal: Journal of Attention Disorders, Volume 24 (10), 2020
  • Citation Count: 22

“Review of the association between obesity and ADHD”

  • Authors: E Barbudo, J Pérez-Templado, B Silveira, J Quintero
  • Journal: Actas Esp Psiquiatr, Volume 43 (1), 2015
  • Citation Count: 21

“Electrophysiological brain changes associated with cognitive improvement in a pediatric attention deficit hyperactivity disorder digital artificial intelligence-driven …”

  • Authors: R Medina, J Bouhaben, I de Ramón, P Cuesta, L Antón-Toro, J Pacios, …
  • Journal: Journal of Medical Internet Research, Volume 23 (11), 2021
  • Citation Count: 20

Gabriel Candia | Riesgo Sismico | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Gabriel Candia, Riesgo Sismico, Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

Dr. Gabriel Candia is a Geotechnical and Structural Engineer with expertise in seismic hazard, vulnerability, and risk analysis. His specialization includes studying the static and dynamic behavior of both soils and structures. With a solid background in applied mathematics and numerical modeling, Dr. Candia brings a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between seismic forces and the built environment. His work encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, contributing to advancements in geotechnical and seismic engineering, and reflects a commitment to enhancing our understanding of earthquake-related phenomena.

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Google Scholar Profile

📚 Education:

Dr. Gabriel Candia is an accomplished professional with a strong educational background. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2013, showcasing his commitment to advanced research and academic excellence. Prior to his doctoral studies, Dr. Candia obtained a Master of Engineering degree from Universidad Católica de Chile in 2007, following an earlier achievement of a Civil Engineering degree from the same institution in 2005. His educational journey reflects a comprehensive exploration of engineering disciplines and a dedication to expanding his expertise.

Professional Experience:

Dr. Gabriel Candia has a rich professional and academic background. Currently serving as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad del Desarrollo, he has been actively involved in both teaching and research. His academic contributions include courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, covering areas such as Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Structural Analysis, and Project Design Workshop.

Dr. Candia has made significant contributions to research, serving as a Research Associate at FONDAP-CIGIDEN, focusing on integrated natural disaster management, and as a Researcher at FONDAP-CRHIAM, specializing in water research for agriculture and mining. His postdoctoral experience has further enriched his expertise in disaster management.

Prior to his academic roles, Dr. Candia gained practical experience as a Structural Engineer at SIRVE S.A. This combination of academic and professional experience positions him as a valuable contributor to the fields of civil engineering and natural disaster management.

Research Interests:

Seismic Response of Retaining Walls: His work on the seismic response of retaining walls with cohesive backfill suggests an interest in the behavior of these structures under seismic loading, possibly involving centrifuge model studies.

Strong‐Motion Database for Chilean Earthquakes: The publication related to a consistently processed strong-motion database indicates an interest in earthquake seismology and data analysis, particularly focusing on Chilean seismic events.

Performance-Based Assessment of Seismic Pseudo-Static Coefficient: The research on the seismic pseudo-static coefficient used in slope stability analysis suggests an interest in performance-based assessments related to slope stability under seismic conditions.

Collapse Risk Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: His contribution to the collapse risk assessment of a Chilean dual wall-frame reinforced concrete office building indicates a focus on risk analysis and structural performance under seismic loads.

Performance-Based Assessment of Seismically-Induced Slope Displacements: The work on new developments for the performance-based assessment of seismically-induced slope displacements highlights a broader interest in performance-based assessments related to slope stability.

Publications (TOP NOTES):

Title: Seismic response of retaining walls with cohesive backfill: Centrifuge model studies

  • Authors: G Candia, RG Mikola, N Sitar
  • Journal: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  • Year: 2016
  • Volume: 90
  • Pages: 411-419
  • Citations: 27

Title: A Consistently Processed Strong‐Motion Database for Chilean Earthquakes

  • Authors: S Castro, R Benavente, JGF Crempien, G Candia, JC de la Llera
  • Journal: Seismological Society of America
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 93 (5)
  • Pages: 2700-2718
  • Citations: 25

Title: Performance-based assessment of the seismic pseudo-static coefficient used in slope stability analysis

  • Authors: J Macedo, G Candia
  • Journal: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 133
  • Pages: 106109
  • Citations: 25

Title: Collapse risk assessment of a Chilean dual wall-frame reinforced concrete office building

  • Authors: G Araya-Letelier, PF Parra, D Lopez-Garcia, A Garcia-Valdes, G Candia, …
  • Journal: Engineering Structures
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 183
  • Pages: 770-779
  • Citations: 22

Title: New developments for the performance-based assessment of seismically-induced slope displacements

  • Authors: J Macedo, G Candia, M Lacour, C Liu
  • Journal: Engineering Geology
  • Year: 2020
  • Volume: 277
  • Pages: 105786
  • Citations: 21

Jianqiang Zhang | High Temperature corrosion | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Jianqiang Zhang, High Temperature corrosion, Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at University of New South Wales, Australia

Prof. Dr. Jianqiang Zhang is a distinguished researcher and academic with a notable background in Materials Science & Engineering. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2000, showcasing a strong academic foundation. Prior to his doctoral studies, he completed his Master of Engineering at Zhejiang University, China, in 1987, and a Bachelor of Engineering at Southeast University, China, in 1984.

Throughout his career, Prof. Zhang has held various key positions at UNSW, including roles as a Senior Research Fellow, Research Associate, and currently as a Professor in the School of Materials Science & Engineering. His expertise spans a wide range of materials science topics, and he has contributed significantly to research and academia.

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

📚 Education:

  • PhD, University of New South Wales (UNSW), 2000
  • Master of Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 1987
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Southeast University, China, 1984

Professional Experience:

  • Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, UNSW, 2019 – Present
  • Associate Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, UNSW, 2015 – 2019
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Materials Science & Engineering, UNSW, 2012 – 2015
  • Senior Research Fellow, School of Materials Science & Engineering, UNSW, 2009 – 2011
  • Research Fellow, Research Associate, School of Materials Science & Engineering, UNSW, 2003 – 2009
  • Research Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research, Germany, 2000 – 2003
  • Visiting Research Fellow, University of Newcastle, 1996
  • Associate Professor, Lecturer, Southeast University, China, 1987 – 1996

Prof. Dr. Jianqiang Zhang is an accomplished academic and researcher with a distinguished career in Materials Science & Engineering. His educational journey includes a PhD from UNSW and prior degrees from esteemed institutions in China. With a wealth of professional experience, he has held various academic and research positions at UNSW, contributing significantly to the field. His international exposure includes a research fellowship at the Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research in Germany. Prof. Zhang’s expertise encompasses a wide range of materials science topics, making him a valuable asset to the academic community.

Honours, Awards, and Memberships:

Prof. Dr. Jianqiang Zhang has garnered prestigious honours and awards throughout his career, underscoring his outstanding contributions to the field of Materials Science & Engineering. His Australian Research Fellowship (ARF) from 2006 to 2010 reflects recognition for his impactful research and academic endeavors. Additionally, being a recipient of the Max-Planck-Society Fellowship in 2002 signifies his international standing in the academic community.

His active memberships in esteemed organizations such as the Australasian Corrosion Association, starting in 2007, and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) since 2013, showcase his commitment to professional networks and collaborative efforts within the global materials science community.

Prof. Dr. Jianqiang Zhang’s accolades, coupled with his continuous involvement in professional associations, affirm his status as a distinguished figure in the field, contributing significantly to the advancement of materials science and engineering.

Research Interests:

Materials Science & Engineering:

  • Prof. Dr. Jianqiang Zhang likely engages in research related to the development, characterization, and application of advanced materials.

Corrosion Studies:

  • His membership in the Australasian Corrosion Association suggests an interest in corrosion science and engineering, including methods for corrosion prevention and mitigation.

Metallurgy and Alloy Design:

  • Given his association with The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Prof. Zhang may have research interests in metallurgy, alloy design, and the properties of metallic materials.

Advanced Characterization Techniques:

  • Materials scientists often focus on utilizing advanced characterization techniques, such as electron microscopy, spectroscopy, and diffraction methods, to study material properties at the microscopic and atomic levels.

Surface Engineering:

  • Research related to surface engineering, coatings, and surface modification techniques could be within his scope.

Mechanical Properties of Materials:

  • Investigation into the mechanical behavior, including strength, toughness, and elasticity, of different materials could be an area of interest.

Materials for Specific Applications:

  • Prof. Zhang might be involved in research aimed at developing materials tailored for specific applications, such as in the aerospace, energy, or biomedical industries.

Publications (TOP NOTES):


Mohammad Salam | Infrasound | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Mohammad Salam, Infrasound, Best Researcher Award

Mohammad Salam at Centre for Earthquake Studies (CES), National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Mr. Mohammad Salam is a dedicated and accomplished researcher with expertise in the field of seismo-acoustics and earthquake studies. Holding a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Physics from KUST, Kohat, Pakistan (2010), and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics & Mathematics from The University of Peshawar, Pakistan (2007), he has a solid academic foundation.

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

📚 Education:

Mr. Mohammad Salam’s educational background includes the following:

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Physics
  • Duration: 2008 – 2010
  • University: KUST (Kohat University of Science and Technology)
  • Location: Kohat, Pakistan
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics & Mathematics
  • Duration: 2005 – 2007
  • University: The University of Peshawar
  • Location: Peshawar, Pakistan

Work Experience:

Mr. Mohammad Salam has a rich and extensive background in earthquake studies, particularly in the areas of seismo-acoustics, instrumentation, and research. Here’s a summary of his work experience:

Current Position:

Centre for Earthquake Studies (CES)

Team Leader (Seismo-Acoustics)

  • Jan 2018 – Current
  • Leading the Seismo-Acoustics team at CES, Mr. Mohammad Salam specializes in low-frequency acoustics data analysis, including noise reduction, filter design, stochastic modeling, and spectral analysis. His expertise extends to event identification, localization, characterization, and association. In the field of seismology, his contributions encompass tomography, anisotropy, induced seismicity, seismic swarms, site effects, moment tensor inversion, earthquake triggering, and spectral analysis. His achievements reflect a strong ability to analyze and interpret seismic and acoustic data, providing valuable insights into various geophysical phenomena.
Previous Positions:

Centre for Earthquake Studies (CES)

Instrumentation + Research

  • Jan 2015 – Dec 2018
  • Worked on various research projects focusing on earth structure and earthquake source parameters. Involved in seismic network rationalization, optimization, expansion, and data acquisition.

Centre for Earthquake Studies (CES)

Seismic Instrumentation

  • Jan 2013 – Dec 2014
  • Gained extensive experience in site selection and installation of seismic and acoustic instrumentation in diverse environments, including the mountain belt of northern Pakistan (Himalayas, Karakoram, and Hindukush Ranges), the Pothohar Plateau, the Indus plain, the Sulaiman Range, the Makran subduction zone, and borehole seismic stations in the Southern deserts of Pakistan. Expertise includes identifying suitable locations for instrumentation, as well as ensuring proper installation and maintenance. Contributed to projects aimed at improving earthquake monitoring and hazard assessment in Pakistan.

Mr. Mohammad Salam’s professional journey highlights his expertise in seismo-acoustics, instrumentation, and research within the field of earthquake studies, demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing earthquake monitoring and hazard assessment in Pakistan.

Research Interests:


  • Low-frequency acoustics data analysis.
  • Noise reduction techniques.
  • Filter design for acoustic data.
  • Stochastic modeling in acoustics.
  • Spectral analysis of acoustic signals.


  • Tomography techniques for imaging Earth’s interior.
  • Anisotropy studies in seismic waves.
  • Investigation of induced seismicity.
  • Analysis of seismic swarms.
  • Site effects on seismic signals.
  • Moment tensor inversion for earthquake source characterization.
  • Earthquake triggering mechanisms.

Instrumentation and Research:

  • Design and optimization of seismic networks.
  • Expansion of seismic monitoring systems.
  • Research on earth structure and earthquake source parameters.
  • Data acquisition methodologies.

Geophysical Phenomena:

  • Comprehensive understanding of diverse geophysical phenomena.
  • Contributions to earthquake monitoring and hazard assessment.

Publications (TOP NOTES):

Mr. Mohammad Salam and collaborators. Here is a brief overview of each publication:

A curious case of monsoon low frequency reverberations from the mighty Himalayas.

Wind-noise reduction for infrasonic measurements using adaptive line enhancement.

  • Journal: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Volume: 151(5)
  • Pages: 3399-3408
  • DOI: 10.1121/10.0011404

Application of teleseismic receiver functions and gravity for Moho depth mapping: a case study of the Western Himalayas.

Lead and Manganese accumulation on leaves of road side plants from Mauripor to Hawks bay road, Karachi, Pakistan.


Wali Khan | Zoology | Best Paper Award

Assist prof Dr. Wali Khan | Zoology | Best Paper Award

PHD at University of Karachi, Pakistan.

🌦️📚  Dr. Wali Khan is an Assistant Professor in Zoology (Parasitology) at the University of Malakand. With a Ph.D. in Zoology (Helminthology), he received the prestigious Muhammad Afzal Hussain Qadri Memorial GOLD MEDAL at the Pakistan Congress of Zoology in 2014. His impactful contributions include winning the 1st Research award and securing the third position in a poster presentation. Dr. Khan’s research interests cover Parasitology, Vector biology, and the ecology of Vertebrate Pests. He actively leads research projects on helminth parasitic infections and rodent pests. As a dedicated academic, he also holds a Certificate of Approved PhD Supervisor from the Higher Education Commission. 🌍

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Googlescholar profile

Researchgate profile


📚 Education:

Matric (1994): Biology, Math, Physics, Chemistry, BISE Swat F.Sc (1997): Biology, Physics, Chemistry, BISE Swat B.Sc (2000): Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, University of Peshawar M.Sc (2008): Zoology, Federal Urdu University Karachi M.Phil (2010): Zoology (Parasitology), University of Karachi Ph.D (2014): Zoology (Helminthology), University of Karachi

Professional Experience:

  • Assistant Professor (IPFP), University of Malakand: 14-07-2014 to 13-07-2015
  • Assistant Professor (Daily wages), University of Malakand: 14-07-2015 to 13-07-2016
  • Assistant Professor (TTS), University of Malakand: 14-07-2016 to Till date


Won Muhammad Afzal Hussain Qadri Memorial GOLD MEDAL for Ph.D. in Parasitology, Pakistan Congress of Zoology, 2014.

Research Awards and Achievements:

1st Research award for SRGP project completion. Award for chairing an academic session in the 39th Pakistan Congress of Zoology. Certificate of appreciation for excellence in research and participation in research performance. Third position and cash award in a poster presentation in 2022. Membership of International Society of Zoological Sciences until 2026. Certificate of Approved PhD Supervisor by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in 2022.

Research Interests:

Parasitology (Protozoology and Helminthology), Vector biology, Medical and Veterinary Parasitology, Parasites of Zoonotic and economic importance, Infectious diseases, Ecology of Vertebrate Pest their Management and Control.

Research Grants/Projects (As PI):

Helminth parasitic infection of fish fauna from river Swat (HEC) – Completed. Helminthosis of Chickens in Malakand Division (University of Malakand) – In progress. Feeding biology and parasitic infection in Schizothorax plagiostomus (HigherEducationDepartment KhyberPakhtunkhwa) – Submitted. Intestinal Parasitosis in Scavenging Chickens (Higher Education Commission) – Submitted. Species composition and damage estimation of rodent pests (NRPU, Higher Education Commission) – Submitted.

Research Focus

Dr. Wali Khan’s research primarily focuses on parasitology and related aspects in the field of biological sciences. His studies encompass a wide range of topics within parasitology, including the assessment of growth characteristics, survival rates, and body composition of fish under different feeding rates. Additionally, he investigates the prevalence and risk factors associated with intestinal parasitic infections among various populations, such as food handlers and individuals in educational institutions. Dr. Khan’s work delves into the diversity of intestinal parasites, evaluation of ecto and endo parasitic fauna, and the overall endemicity of parasitic infections in specific regions. His research contributes valuable insights into the field of parasitology, addressing both aquatic and human ecosystems.

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements:

Dr. Wali Khan, citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Citations: 713 (All), 675 (Since 2019)
h-index: 16 (All), 14 (Since 2019)
i10-index: 30 (All), 28 (Since 2019)


Publications (TOP NOTES)

Evaluation of ecto and endo parasitic fauna of Schizothorax plagiostomus inhabitants of river Swat, Khyber PakhtunKhwa, Pakistan, publication date: 2021.

Growth performance, haematological assessment and chemical composition of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) fed different levels of Aloe vera extract as feed, publication date: 2021.

Assessment of ecto and endo parasites of Schizothorax plagiostomus inhabiting river Panjkora, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, publication date: 2021.
Gastrointestinal helminths in dog feces surrounding suburban areas of Lower Dir district, Pakistan: A public health threat, publication date: 2020.
Prevalence and risk factors assessment of theileriosis in livestock of Malakand Division, Pakistan, publication date: 2021.

Stephan M Haefele | Plant Nutrition | Most Shared Article Award

Dr. Stephan M Haefele | Plant Nutrition | Most Shared Article Award

Senior Research Scientist at the University of Adelaide, United Kingdom

🌦️📚  Dr. Haefele is a seasoned soil scientist and agronomist, renowned for his extensive contributions to international agricultural research, particularly in the realms of rice, wheat, and soil quality across Africa and Asia. Commencing his career with impactful research for his PhD and PostDoc at the West Africa Rice Development Association (now Africa Rice), he later spent a decade at the International Rice Research Institute. Subsequently, he directed his expertise to the University of Adelaide, concentrating on plant phenotyping within wheat systems. In 2017, he assumed a significant role at Rothamsted Research. 🌍

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Googlescholar profile

Researchgate profile



📚 Education:

Dr. Haefele’s primary research interests encompass soil fertility and health characterization, monitoring, soil organic carbon management, plant nutrition, and exploring the influence of soil nutrients on the nutritional quality of crop produce. Leading the dry spectral laboratory, he pioneers the use of near and mid-infrared spectroscopy for rapid and cost-effective soil analysis, a pivotal element in precision farming facilitating spatial assessments of soil fertility and health. Notably, his research group recently unveiled a groundbreaking study introducing a universal soil health index applicable throughout the UK, irrespective of soil type. Dr. Haefele also played a crucial role in contributing to a new soil map for Africa, boasting a remarkable 30m resolution. Beyond this, his diverse research portfolio extends to nutrient use efficiency in arable systems and agronomic biofortification for micronutrients, with notable work resulting in a recent publication in Nature. An accomplished author, Dr. Haefele boasts 166 peer-reviewed publications and an impressive h-index of 46. Presently, he actively contributes to multiple ongoing projects funded by esteemed entities such as the BBSRC (GrowingHealth, ResilientFutureFarming, Double Burden), the European Union (ESA), and industry partners (OCP Morocco, CarbonQuester).

Research Focus:

Dr. SM Haefele, a distinguished researcher, has made significant contributions in the field of agricultural science, with a focus on sustainable rice production systems. His research spans diverse areas such as biochar amendments, drought resistance in rice, and gene-based markers for improved phosphorus uptake. Notably, his work has explored the impact of biochar on soil properties and plant growth, as well as the development of resilient rice genotypes adapted to drought-prone ecosystems. Dr. Haefele’s expertise also extends to nitrogen use efficiency, weed management, and factors influencing rice yield in various environmental conditions. His extensive body of work underscores a commitment to advancing sustainable and productive practices in global rice production.

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements:

Dr. Stephan M Haefele, citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Citations: 8566 (All), 4415 (Since 2019)
h-index: 46 (All), 34 (Since 2019)
i10-index: 96 (All), 80 (Since 2019)


Publications (TOP NOTES)


Deepty Ranjan Satapathy | Environmental Geology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Deepty Ranjan Satapathy, Environmental Geology, Best Researcher Award

Senior Technical Officer at CSIR-IMMT, India

🌦️📚  Dr. Deepty Ranjan Satapathy is an accomplished Environmental Geologist with extensive expertise in the application of remote sensing and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for various environmental studies. Currently serving as a Senior Technical Officer at CSIR-IMMT, a national laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, Dr. Satapathy has been contributing to the field since April 20, 2009. 🌍

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Googlescholar profile

Researchgate profile


📚 Experiences:

Specializes in Environmental Geology, Remote Sensing, and GIS. Expertise in the application of remote sensing and GIS for environmental assessments, particularly in coastal, watersheds, mining, and forest environments. Proficient in Geographic Information Systems, Digital Image Processing, geostatistics, and modeling using GIS. Extensive experience in environmental monitoring and impact assessment studies. Utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS) for ground truth sample acquisition and geocoding of satellite imageries.

Professional Positions:

Presently working as Senior Technical Officer at CSIR-IMMT since April 20, 2009. Previous experience includes working as Technical Officer at CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, from October 30, 2000, to April 19, 2009.

Field of Specialization:

Environmental Geology, Remote Sensing, and GIS.

Research Focus:

Dr. Deepty Ranjan Satapathy’s research focus primarily falls within the realm of environmental monitoring and assessment, with a specific emphasis on the application of geospatial technologies. His work encompasses diverse areas, including the spatial distribution of metals in ground/surface waters, quantification of mangrove loss and coastal management using satellite data, and the impact of anthropogenic activities on physico-chemical parameters in estuaries. Additionally, he investigates the influence of dredging on coastal water quality and explores the dynamics of inorganic carbon in estuarine systems. Dr. Satapathy’s dedication to understanding and mitigating environmental challenges is evident through his extensive contributions to the field.

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements:

Dr. Deepty Ranjan Satapathy, citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Citations: 424 (All), 245 (Since 2019)
h-index: 11 (All), 9 (Since 2019)
i10-index: 14 (All), 9 (Since 2019)


Publications (TOP NOTES)


SOONMIN HO | Applied chemistry | Research Citation Excellence Award

Prof Dr. SOONMIN HO | Applied chemistry | Research Citation Excellence Award

Professor at INTI International University, Malaysia

🌦️📚  Professor Dr. Ho Soon Min is a distinguished academic and researcher, currently a permanent Professor at INTI International University since April 2010. Born on May 24, 1977, he holds a Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry and has earned acclaim for his significant contributions to teaching and research. Specializing in materials science, his research focuses on thin film technologies, with notable projects in nickel lead sulfide and Ni3Pb2S2 thin films. His commitment to advancing knowledge is reflected in numerous research grants and key roles in national research projects. Professor Dr. Ho’s work underscores a dedication to materials chemistry, making him a respected figure in academia. Applied chemistry. 🌍

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Googlescholar profile

Researchgate profile


👨‍🎓 Education:

💼  Professor Dr. Ho Soon Min is an accomplished academic and researcher with a permanent position as a Professor at INTI International University, Malaysia, since April 2010. Born on May 24, 1977, he holds a Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry, M.Sc. in Materials Chemistry, and a B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry, all from the University Putra Malaysia.  🌍👩‍🔬

📚 Work Experiences:

INTI International University, JlnBBN12/1,BandarBaru Nilai, 71800 NegeriSembilan, Malaysia Associate Professor April 2010 Present LajuCarbon Products Sdn phd, 2003 2006. Applied chemistry

Professor Dr. Ho has undertaken significant research projects in materials science, receiving numerous grants for projects such as the preparation of nickel lead sulfide thin films and the evaluation of power conversion values for Ni3Pb2S2 thin film solar cells. He has also been involved in studying cobalt selenide thin films, chemical bath-deposited nickel sulfide thin films, and investigating the influence of manganese oxide on enhancing electrochemical performance in nanostructured cobalt oxide pseudocapacitor electrodes. His commitment to advancing research and education is evident through his leadership as a Principal Investigator and Co-investigator in various national research projects. Professor Dr. Ho Soon Min’s work underscores his dedication to materials chemistry and applied research, making him a respected figure in academia.

Research Focus:

Dr. S.M. Ho’s research primarily focuses on the electrochemical and chemical deposition of thin films, particularly exploring the properties and applications of compounds like copper tin sulfide (Cu4SnS4). His investigations include cyclic voltammetry studies, exploring the effects of bath temperature, solution concentration, and deposition periods on the characteristics of these films. Dr. Ho’s work extends to the chemical bath deposition of NiSe thin films, showcasing a diverse expertise in materials science. His contributions encompass the optimization of deposition parameters for enhanced performance in applications such as solar cells, emphasizing the practical implications of his research in renewable energy technologies.

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements:

Professor Dr. Ho Soon Min, citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Citations: 2087 (All), 1095 (Since 2019)
h-index: 25 (All), 15 (Since 2019)
i10-index: 80 (All), 35 (Since 2019)


Publications (TOP NOTES)

A review of nanostructured thin films for gas sensing and corrosion protection, publication date: 2019.

Semiconductor based nanomaterials for harvesting green hydrogen energy under solar light irradiation,

publication date: 2022.
Overview on Different types of Solar Cells: An Update, publication date: 2023.

Carlos Zambra | Computer Simulation | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Carlos Zambra | Computer Simulation | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor at Universidad de Talca, Chile

🌦️📚  Dr. Carlos Enrique Zambra Sazo, a Chilean engineer and academic, born on November 24, 1973, specializes in fluid dynamics and numerical methods. Holding a Doctorate in Ciencias de la Ingeniería, he is currently an Associate Professor at Universidad de Talca. With diverse experiences, he conducted research at Centro de Investigación Avanzada y Desarrollo en Recursos Hídricos and served as a full-time researcher at Centro de Estudios en Alimentos Procesados. Dr. Zambra has been the principal investigator for various national and international projects, showcasing his expertise in diffusion, self-heating processes, and mathematical modeling of magma chambers. 🌍

Professional Profiles:

Scopus profile

Orcid profile

Researchgate profile


👨‍🎓 Education:

💼  In February 2009, Dr. Zambra attended a short course on “Advanced Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations and Applications” at Universitá Degli Studi di Trento, Italy (T5). From April to August 2012, he undertook a research internship at the Laboratory of Membrane Process (LabProSem) at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) (T6). In April 2013, he participated in a short course titled “ANSYS-FLUENT-Using UDF’s” organized by ESSS (T7).  🌍👩‍🔬

📚 Professional Experience:

From 2010 to 2014, Dr. Zambra served as a researcher at the Centro de Investigación Avanzada y Desarrollo en Recursos Hídricos (CIDERH) in Iquique, Chile. He was a professor in the Doctorate program of Chemical at Universidad Arturo Prat from 2011 to 2014. Between 2014 and February 2017, he worked as a full-time researcher at Centro de Estudios en Alimentos Procesados, CEAP, Talca, Chile. Currently, Dr. Zambra holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Technologies, Engineering Faculty, at Universidad de Talca.

🔍 Academic Titles:

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería from Universidad Adventista de Chile. Ingeniero Civil Agroindustrial from Universidad Adventista de Chile. Profesor de Educación Técnico Profesional from Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería with a specialization in Ingeniería de Procesos from Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


Research Focus:

Dr. Carlos Enrique Zambra Sazo is a notable researcher with a research focus spanning diverse areas in engineering and environmental sciences. His work encompasses the mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of geomorphological changes in young soils with sparse vegetation. Additionally, he has delved into the evolution of physico-chemical parameters in apple pomace, simulation of cooling in magma chambers, thermal and rheological characterization of nanofluids, air-drying processes for ellipsoidal fruits, and more. Dr. Zambra’s expertise lies in computational modeling, energy consumption analysis, and innovative approaches to processes involving fluids, heat, and mass transfer, showcasing a multidisciplinary research profile.

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements:

Citations by 346 documents

26 Documents



Publications (TOP NOTES)


Geomorphological changes in young soils with sparse vegetation: Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation, publication date: 2023.

