Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo | Freshwater biology | Most Reader’s Article Award

Dr. Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo | Freshwater biology | Most Reader’s Article Award

Postdoc at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo is a dedicated researcher with a strong academic background and significant expertise in environmental biology and ecology. He completed his Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, where he investigated the impacts of oil palm expansion on freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. His research has been instrumental in understanding environmental dynamics and biodiversity conservation in tropical regions, particularly focusing on the effects of land use on water quality and ecological interactions. Prior to his doctoral studies, Dr. Rojas Castillo earned his MSc. in Applied Ecology through the Erasmus Mundus program, spanning universities in France, Germany, and Portugal. During this time, he developed expertise in data analysis, GIS, and ecological modeling, emphasizing ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation.

Professional Profiles:

📚 Education:

Dr. Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, from 2020 to 2023. His coursework included Grant Writing, Multivariate Analysis in R, Statistics in R & Data Science, Science Communication, Scientific Illustration, Spatial Analysis with QGIS & R, Responsible Conduct of Research, Academic Writing, and the Publishing Toolbox. He was awarded the Talent Ph.D. Fellowship Grant, with evaluators considering his thesis as demonstrating “Excellent working knowledge.” During his Ph.D. studies, he published three papers. From 2017 to 2019, Dr. Rojas Castillo pursued a Master of Science in Applied Ecology through the Erasmus Mundus program, studying at the University of Poitiers in France, the University of Kiel in Germany, and the University of Coimbra in Portugal. His courses included Data Analysis & Statistics in R, Ecology, Ecosystem Services & Conservation in Ecuador, Management of Ecosystem Biodiversity, GIS & Remote Sensing, Molecular Ecology, Modelling & Statistics in R, Ecosystem Analysis, Ecosystem Services & Conservation, Natural Resources Use & Tourism in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, and Ecosystem Conservation in Biodiversity Hotspots in Ecuador. He was awarded the Erasmus Mundus Full-Scholarship, achieved a GPA of 4.5 (out of 5, placing him in the top 10%), and published two papers. Dr. Rojas Castillo earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of San Carlos, Guatemala, from 2010 to 2017. His coursework covered Biology, Botany, Mathematics, Sustainability, Genetics & Evolution, Zoology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Assessments, Microbiology, Ecology, Biostatistics, Chemistry & Biochemistry. He achieved the highest GPA in the faculty, received the Academic Excellence Award, the Integral Student Award, and graduated Cum Laude.

Professional Experience:

From 2023 to June 2024, Dr. Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo served as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Biology Department at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His responsibilities included grant writing and study design for research proposals such as MARIE CURIE, VILLUM FONDEM, and DFF. He engaged in scientific writing and dissemination, contributing two scientific publications and overseeing two manuscripts. Dr. Rojas Castillo conducted data analysis and statistical work in R, including rarefactions, multivariate analyses (NMDS, CCA, PCA, RDA, PCOA), and various models (lme, lm, GAM, GLM). He also facilitated communication with stakeholders and led cross-functional collaborations with stakeholders like landowners, park rangers, NGOs, farmers, and companies, as well as researchers from diverse fields. During this period, he submitted three grant applications focused on tropical biodiversity, incorporating feedback from stakeholders, and published two papers. From 2020 to 2023, Dr. Rojas Castillo pursued his Ph.D. in the Biology Department at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His tasks included study design, securing funding such as the Talent Ph.D. Fellowship Grant, and conducting extensive data collection in both field and lab settings, particularly focusing on water, macroinvertebrate, and e-DNA sampling. He conducted GIS analysis, mapping and estimating stream watersheds, characterizing watershed land-use, and creating maps. Dr. Rojas Castillo managed data and performed statistical analyses in R, including meta-analysis and multivariate techniques like PCA, CCA, and NMDS, as well as modeling (lm, nlme, SEM) and hypothesis testing (ANOVA, KW, t-test, Wilcoxon-test). He actively engaged in scientific writing, publishing 4-5 scientific papers and conducting workshops in Latin America and Denmark. Additionally, he taught university courses and collaborated internationally. In 2016-2017, Dr. Rojas Castillo served as a Teaching & Research Assistant at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. His responsibilities included administrative management and planning, organizing dissemination events such as conferences and forums, and managing a research database. He supported programs in Biodiversity Management and Water Quality and taught laboratory practices in Physio-anatomy, Genetics I, Cyto-embryology, and Zoology. He successfully completed and managed a comprehensive research database for the University and contributed to the establishment of the Biodiversity Management program, organizing several major dissemination events and instructing laboratory sessions.

Teaching Experience:

Dr. Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo has extensive experience in teaching, supervision, and managerial roles within academic and research settings. He actively contributed to the teaching of university courses in both Denmark and Guatemala, where he also served as a guest speaker in various lectures. His supervision includes guiding two Bachelor students in Biology at the University of Guatemala, overseeing their theses on topics such as Periphyton’s response to land-use change and Macroinvertebrate’s response to organic matter availability. Additionally, he supervised one MSc. student in Nature Management at the University of Copenhagen, guiding research focused on assessing the impacts of an oil palm plantation.

In terms of managerial experience, from 2020 to 2024, Dr. Rojas Castillo led seven diverse research projects involving international collaboration across different fields. His responsibilities encompassed data acquisition and analysis on a global scale, facilitating discussions among interdisciplinary teams, and publishing four scientific studies. During his Ph.D. tenure at the University of Copenhagen, he also managed seminar series and workshops, demonstrating strong organizational skills and a commitment to advancing research and knowledge dissemination in biodiversity and ecological sciences.


Dr. Oscar Alberto Rojas Castillo possesses a diverse skill set essential for his roles in academia and biodiversity research. He excels in grant writing and academic writing, leveraging these skills to secure funding and effectively communicate research findings. With expertise in biodiversity, he demonstrates a deep understanding of ecological systems and conservation practices. His managerial skills are evident in his ability to organize and lead projects, both locally and internationally, fostering collaborations across diverse stakeholder groups. Driven by a can-do attitude, he is self-motivated and detail-oriented, ensuring precision in research methodologies and outcomes. He operates with accountability and independence while thriving in team environments, contributing interpersonal skills that facilitate effective communication and innovative problem-solving. Creative and proactive, he approaches challenges with ingenuity, making meaningful contributions to the field of ecology and biodiversity conservation.

📚Publications :

The impacts of the oil palm expansion on freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

Type: Dissertation/Thesis

Year: 2023

Source: University of Copenhagen

Warning on nine pollutants and their effects on avian communities

Type: Journal Article

Year: 2022

Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, University of Copenhagen

DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01898

Effects of land use on water quality in first-order streams across tropical rainforest, milpa agriculture, and oil palm farms in the Lachuá Ecoregion, Guatemala: Preliminary results

Type: Online Resource

Date: November 15, 2019

Source: Rojas-Castillo, O.A.

Biological invasion in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Monitoring Ceratium furcoides (levander) langhans, its drivers, and ecological interactions in a high-altitude subtropical reservoir

Type: Dissertation/Thesis

Date: September 20, 2019

Source: University of Coimbra

Áreas y variables ambientales espaciales relacionadas en el atropellamiento y cruce de la fauna silvestre en la carretera de la Franja Transversal del Norte, Cobán, Guatemala

Type: Journal Article

Date: December 31, 2018

Source: Ciencia, Tecnología y Salud

DOI: 10.36829/63cts.v5i2.630

Evaluación de la calidad de agua del sistema hídrico del contexto comunitario, en función del uso de la tierra de las aldeas de San Marcos, Santa Lucía y zonas vecinas, Eco-región Lachuá, Cobán Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

Type: Dissertation/Thesis

Date: March 16, 2017

Source: Rojas-Castillo, O.A.