Fizza Ghulam Nabi | Biomedical Engineering

Assist Prof Dr. Fizza Ghulam Nabi : Leading Researcher in Biomedical Engineering

Ph.D in Mechatronic Engineering Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Malaysia

Nabi F.G., Sundaraj K., Kiang L.C., Palaniappan R. Characterization and classification of asthmatic
wheeze sounds according to severity level using spectral integrated features, Computers in Biology and
Medicine. (2019)104, PP.52-61 IF: 6.698

Nabi F.G., Sundaraj K., Lam C.K. Identification of asthma severity levels through wheeze sound
characterization and classification using IP features, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2019).
IF: 5.076

Nabi F.G., Sundaraj K., Kiang L.C., Palaniappan R., Sundaraj, S. Ahamed, N.U. Artificial intelligence
techniques used for wheeze sounds analysis: Review (2017) IFMBE Proceedings, 58, pp. 37-40.

Nabi F.G., Sundaraj, K., Kiang, L.C., Palaniappan, R.. Analysis of wheeze sounds during tidal
breathing according to severity levels in asthma patients, Journal of asthma (2019) pp.1-13. IF 2.081

Nabi F.G., Sundaraj K., Lam C.K. Asthma severity identification from pulmonary acoustic signal for
computerized decision support system, Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (2020). IF: 0.781

Nabi F.G., Sundaraj K, Kiang L.C., Palaniappan R., Sundaraj, S. Wheeze sound analysis using
computer-based techniques: A systematic review (2019) Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische
Technik, 64 (1) pp. 1-28. IF: 1.65

Nabi F. G., et al. “Recommendations Related to Wheeze Sound Data Acquisition.” Journal of
Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10.1-13 (2018): 117-120. (Scopus

Palaniappan, R., K. Sundaraj, and F. G. Nabi. “An Overview of Breath Phase Detection–Techniques &
Applications.” Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10.2-7
(2018): 33-36. (Scopus Journal)

Talib, I., K. Sundaraj, C. K. Lam, and F. G. Nabi “Development of a Standalone Application to
Measure Crosstalk in MMG Signals from Forearm Muscles during Wrist Postures.” Journal of
Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10.2-7 (2018): 103-106. (Scopus

J. Hussain, K. Sundaraj, Y. F. Low, C. K. Lam, I.Talib, F.G. Nabi Fatigue essment in the Brachii
Muscles During Dynamic Contractions (2017) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
12, pp. 12403-12408. (Scopus Journal)