Title: Ni-Cr-Mo alloy for dental prostheses with low melting temperature
Authors: A. Haider, O.F. Azam, M. Talha, S. Akhtar
Journal: Key Engineering Materials
Volume: 778
Pages: 301-305
Citations: 5
Year: 2018
Title: Effect of cerium on mechanical, metallurgical and biomedical properties of NiCrMoB dental alloy
Authors: A. Haider, S.H.I. Jaffery, A.N. Khan, N. Qadir, X. Jing
Journal: Journal of Materials Research and Technology
Volume: 24
Pages: 5082-5093
Citations: 3
Year: 2023
Title: Development of NdFeB magnet through hydrogen decrepitation
Authors: S. Akhtar, A. Haider, Z. Ahmad, M. Farooque
Journal: Key Engineering Materials
Volume: 442
Pages: 263-267
Citations: 3
Year: 2010
Title: Processing of silicon added Fe-Cr-Co hard magnetic alloy by two stage thermomagnetic treatment technique
Authors: A. Haider, S.H.I. Jaffery, A.N. Khan, M. Khan
Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
Citations: 2
Year: 2023
Title: Mechanical Characteristics of Boron and Cerium Added NiCrMo Non-Precious Dental Casting Alloys
Authors: A. Haider, S.H.I. Jaffery, A.N. Khan, N. Ulqadir, X. Jing
Journal: Materials Transactions
Volume: 64 (4)
Pages: 869-876
Citations: 2
Year: 2023
Title: Effect of Thermal Treatment on Coercivity of SmCo5 Sintered Magnets
Authors: A. Haider, S. Akhtar, Z. Ahmad, M. Farooque
Journal: Key Engineering Materials
Volume: 442
Pages: 250-254
Citations: 2
Year: 2010
Title: Characterization of NiCrMo dental restoration alloy
Authors: A. Haider, O.F. Azam, M. Talha, S. Akhtar
Journal: Key Engineering Materials
Volume: 875
Pages: 373-378
Citations: 1
Year: 2021
Title: Processing and Characterization of Beryllium Free Ni-Cr-Mo Biomaterial Doped with Cerium, Boron and Titanium for Dental Applications
Authors: A. Haider, S.H.I. Jaffery, A.N. Khan, S.I. Butt, X. Jing
Journal: Journal of Materials Research and Technology
Year: 2024
Title: Optimization of manufacturing parameters for Fe–25Cr–13Co magnetic alloy by using Taguchi technique
Authors: A. Haider, S.H.I. Jaffery, A.N. Khan, N. Ulqadir
Journal: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Volume: 126 (3)
Pages: 1363
Year: 2023
Title: Electromagnetic flat sheet forming by spiral type actuator coil
Authors: S. Akbar, M.A. Aleem, M.N. Sarwar, A.U. Zillohu, M.S. Awan, A. Haider, …
Journal: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume: 146 (1)
Article: 012054
Year: 2016