Ali Ahmadian | Electrical Power Engineering

Associate Prof Dr. Ali Ahmadian: Leading Researcher in Electrical Power Engineering

Assistant Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bonab, Bonab, Iran

Coordinated multi-objective scheduling of a multi-energy virtual power plant considering storages and demand response, (ISI-Indexed, Q2, IF=2.5, ISSN: 1751-8695), 16, (2022)

mixed conditional value-at-risk/information gap decision theory framework for optimal participation of a
multi-energy distribution system in multiple energy markets, Journal of Cleaner Production, (ISI-Indexed,
Q1, IF=11.07, ISSN:0959-6526), , (2022)

The Investigation of Monthly/Seasonal Data Clustering Impact on Short-Term Electricity Price Forecasting Accuracy: Ontario Province Case Study, Sustainability, (ISI-Indexed, Q2, IF=3.88, ISSN: 2071-1050), , (2022)

Stochastic energy management of an electricity retailer with a novel plug-in electric vehicle-based demand response program and energy storage system: A linearized battery degradation cost model, Sustainable Cities and Society, (ISI-Indexed, Q1,IF=10.69, ISSN:2210-6707), 74, (2021): 103154.

Techno-economic-environmental assessment of an integrated electricity and gas network in the presence of electric and hydrogen vehicles: A mixed-integer linear programming approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF=11.07, ISSN:0959-6526), vol. 319 (2021)

Multi-stage optimal scheduling of multi-microgrids using deeplearning artificial neural network and cooperative game approach, Energy, (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF=8.85,
ISSN: 0360-5442), vol. 239 (2022)

A Novel Cross-Case Electric Vehicle Demand Modeling Based on 3D Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, (ISI-Indexed, Q1,IF=7.32, ISSN: 0885-8950), (2021)

Optimal participation of a virtual power plant in electricity market considering renewable energy: A deep
learning-based approach, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF=5.40, ISSN:2352-
4677), 26, (2021)

Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on electricity demand and the unit commitment problem: a longshort-term memory-based machine learning approach Engineering Optimization, (ISI-Indexed, Q2, IF=2.50, ISSN: 1029-0273), , (2021)

A type-3 logic fuzzy system: Optimized by a correntropy based Kalman filter with adaptive fuzzy kernel size, Information Sciences, (ISI-Indexed, Q1, IF=8.23, ISSN:0020-0255), 572 (2021)